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Since the inception of Bonei Olam, couples struggling with infertility - whether basic infertility or the more expensive and more difficult advanced infertility - can breathe a sigh of relief. While they must endure the trials of treatment, couples can be comforted with the knowledge that there is one very important factor they needn’t worry about by themselves: costs.


What a noble mission Bonei Olam has undertaken! Payment for doctor’s appointments, pharmacy invoices, hospital bills, and second opinions are all funded by Bonei Olam, so that couples can focus on their treatment without anxiety about finances. A couple experiencing infertility need not struggle alone any longer. Bonei Olam guides each couple every step of the way, from the initial consultation until their ultimate Simcha.


There has been remarkable progress in recent years in both fertility treatments and medication. However, these advances come at a great increase in cost.


It may be difficult for couples to find fertility medication at considerable discounts. Bonei Olam has a list of these companies, who offer reduced prices. Another benefit for the couples is that they can discuss their questions and concerns with pharmacists who are well-versed in the latest protocols.


During the course of treatment, several medications will usually be prescribed, and the cost of even a few vials can be financially challenging. Fertility medication is unique, in that even generic forms of these drugs, when available, are unusually expensive. Although the National Health Service sometimes covers part of the cost, in many cases not all medications are covered. Bonei Olam is there with payments for medication not covered by the NHS, or subsidies for those couples who are not able to obtain these drugs from their local GP.


It is now more feasible than ever for individuals who need treatments for cancer to secure their chances of having healthy children of their own. When a person – whether married or still a child – needs cancer treatment, Bonei Olam is ready to step in. We finance the necessary procedures prior to the cancer treatments so that when he or she is well again, it will be possible for this individual to build a family. This is a recent and very welcome development for those who need it.



There are those people who have had cancer treatment in the past, and who were not able to take the necessary preventive measures to maximise their chances of having their own children. Bonei Olam remains devoted to helping them find a solution. Our mission is to help every couple trying to build a family, regardless of the cause of infertility. Bonei Olam’s Pre/Post Cancer program demonstrates our determination to help each member of Klal Yisroel build a Bayis Ne’eman B’Yisroel.


Fertility treatment is available on both the NHS and under private care, but sometimes there’s a difference with exactly what is available and especially with how soon it is available to the couple.


Sadly, the tests and treatments available on the NHS in the UK currently depend in part on where you live. This postal lottery means that some parts of the country offer a good service, with reasonable waiting list times, whereas other areas that have less funding or are suffering from a huge demand, offer less and leave you waiting longer. The maximum is one cycle on the NHS when all criteria is matched.


Due to the length of these waiting lists and the complex criteria that need to be fulfilled, forces young couples to seek private infertility treatment. It is Bonei Olam’s mission and mandate that no couple should remain untreated due to funding constraints or the complex criteria of the NHS.


Bonei Olam is associated with a global network of doctors and specialists in a vast array of fields related to infertility and genetics. In this way, the diagnostic and treatment process is streamlined, so that we can swiftly provide the highest quality of care.


Many couples prefer not to travel for treatment, in order to maintain their privacy and not lose additional time from work. Bonei Olam will fund their treatments in any centre they choose, thereby minimising much of the stress related to fertility treatment. Keeping stress at the lowest possible level is of paramount importance with regard to fertility treatment. Any factor that is critical to the couple is taken into account and considered part of the overall treatment plan. Our mission is to care for our couples with the utmost respect and consideration at all times.


In addition to providing grants for the exorbitant costs associated with infertility, Bonei Olam has set up the Bonayich Interest-Free Loan Fund so that couples have another option of financing their medical treatments. Bonei Olam International has allocated a large fund expressly for interest-free loans. These funds are available immediately.


Couples who are diagnosed with infertility are faced with many perplexing choices relating to their treatment. In many cases, the financial burden is the one that causes the most anguish.


In the past, couples would attempt to save or borrow the funds they needed, and this might postpone their treatment. Quite often, multiple attempts are necessary in order to achieve success, and this would result in staggering debt. Since the inception of Bonei Olam, couples struggling with infertility - whether basic infertility or the more expensive and more difficult advanced infertility - can breathe a sigh of relief. While they must endure the trials of treatment, couples can be comforted with the knowledge that there is one very important factor they needn’t worry about by themselves: costs.


“Bonei Olam without Borders”, a project in Israel, is a classic example of how Bonei Olam has crossed borders and is prepared to help couples all over the world in their quest to build a family. Bonei Olam works with world-renowned medical experts who are committed to the goals of Bonei Olam and the couples they come to help.

By bringing a medical team to from the USA to Israel a few times a year, Bonei Olam is able to help many more couples from Israel & Europe realise their dream of having healthy children of their own. Bonei Olam has built mutual, professional relationships with a roster of the best doctors the world over. Assembling a team which respects and understands the needs of our communities - a team willing to travel and set up shop on another continent - was nothing short of a Bonei Olam miracle.

For couples who had to travel great distances for fertility treatment, the costs proved to be prohibitive. Bonei Olam assumes these costs by bringing the doctor to the patient. This program pays for the treatment, and at the same time, it eliminates the need for extensive travel arrangements and the associated costs. “Bonei Olam without Borders” has seen phenomenal results, and countless couples in Israel and the UK are now parents - or expectant parents - due to its success.


Bonei Olam is involved in identifying and preventing many genetics-related issues that affect our population, and that are not detectable through prior premarital screening. Bonei Olam’s goal has always been to do whatever it takes to give every couple the chance to have children. Healthy children!


Bonei Olam has spent well over $2 million in recent years on genetics issues and has Boruch Hashem been blessed with phenomenal results in our communities across the world. Bonei Olam has a close relationship with many world-renowned geneticists, labs and medical centres, and has retained the services of a dedicated genetics counsellor, enabling us to provide guidance leading to the most up-to-date remedies for each particular case.

If you, or someone close to you, may benefit from information regarding any genetics-related syndrome, Bonei Olam is here for you. The technology to prevent genetic disorders B”H exists and funding is available. Inquiries and requests are always treated with the highest level of confidentiality.

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Registered Charity in England & Wales No. 1163637

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0161 660 0960

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7 Bevendon Square, Salford M7 4TF

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